TO the One Who said, "Suffer the little children to come unto me."
TO the unwed Mother of the most unplanned pregnancy
(humanly speaking) in all of history.
TO the victims and casualties of the World War.
TO the rescuers worldwide who would obey God rather than men.
TO the Army of God P.O.W.'s and M.I.A.'s who destroyed the altars of Baal.
TO the sidewalk counselors who have the hardest job of all.
The Army of God: Some Introductory Notes
This is a manual for those who have come to understand that the battle against abortion is a battle not against flesh and blood, but against the devil and all the evil he can muster among flesh and blood to fight at his side.
It is a How-To Manual of means to disrupt and ultimately destroy Satan's power to kill our children, God's Children.
The text that follows is a greatly-expanded upon version of a document originally edited from many sources by our warrior, the Mad Gluer. The Dedication and Special Thanks are exclusively his, as are most of the edited texts as far as and including the exposition of Bristar. Only some enhancements and expansions have been added. The remainder of the text has been added by another warrior in the war to save the Innocents.
This manual is not for sale, and cannot be purchased at any price.
However, a donation to the person from whom you have received it may make it possible for others to receive it also.
The information herein is hard currency in itself, currency to buy time for the babies, currency to ransom them from physical death with the consent and active participation of a system which claims to be "... one Nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all," - but which in actuality is a nation under the power of Evil - Satan, who prowls about the world seeking the ruin of the souls of mankind.... A nation ruled by a godless civil authority that is dominated by humanism, moral nihilism, and new-age perversion of the high standards upon which a Godly society must be founded, if it is to endure.
The Editors of this manual hope and pray that the information contained herein will be useful to those who are committed to pro-life activism, and may perhaps provide the catalyst to inspire others to such a commitment.
Let those who would argue and attempt to persuade continue to do so, and may God bless their efforts, just as in any war the diplomats seek their solutions by words and persuasion, while in the trenches the stink of death rises to heaven with the cry of the blood of the innocent victims who perish while words are exchanged.